Better Beginnings has adopted the approach recommended to libraries by the, Every Child Ready to Read, program from the U.S.A. The program was developed by the American Library Association and introduced to U.S. public libraries in 2004. A revised edition of that program was released in 2011 and it is this model that Better Beginnings draws on as a guide to best practice in the development of high-quality early literacy programs for libraries.
Better Beginnings is developed and managed by The State Library of Western Australia and delivered through public libraries. The program is funded via a tri-partite alliance between the Government of Western Australia (including Royalties for Regions), Western Australian local governments and Rio Tinto. One of the key aims of this partnership between state and local government and the business sector is to support the development of literacy in children from birth providing them with greater potential to grow, learn and develop, perform well at school and succeed in later life. Improved literacy levels across Western Australia contributes to the creation of a skilled workforce and future economic development. Better Beginnings encourages all families to Read, Talk, Sing, Write and Play with their child every day.